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Hôtel Nugues


Rue de l'Armillerie



Languages spoken

  • French


The name Rue de l'Armillerie comes from the Latin "Armilla". This name recalls the presence of jewelers and craftsmen.

At no. 18: Hôtel Nugues, a beautifully restored Renaissance residence dating from the 16th and 17th centuries.

Many street names are linked to trades or guilds:
Rue Perrolerie was the street of the "Boilermakers",
Rue Sarraillerie was the street of "locksmiths",
Place Macel, from the Latin "macello" (butcher), was the street of the "Butchers".

Note the Hôtel Nugues :
- its semicircular portal and wooden door decorated with diamond-shaped
- its inner courtyard, with a well (many underground streams feed the wells in the historic center)
- its elegant Baluster Galleries on Arches.

The Hôtel was owned by families who gave France a Minister of War in 1792, Joseph Servan, and a First Empire General, Saint Cyr Nugues.

Accessible on guided tours.

See also

no pic

Historic center of Romans

Cultural heritage
